Have You Ever Heard of the Deadly Remington Trigger?
For many years it has been alleged that Remington Firearms has had a faulty trigger mechanism in many of their rifles and they have not wanted to admit it. By not wishing to admit it, they continued to distribute those rifles with the same alleged faulty trigger. It has resulted in several deaths over the years and some of these have resulted in court cases. Jack Belk of Oakley has testified in many of the cases as to the status of the Remington trigger. Remington has finally decided to replace the faulty triggers but unfortunately, Belk contends the triggers that will replace them are just as bad, if not worse, that the current faulty trigger. If you own a rifle you will want to listen to him today at 9 a.m.
- Randy Stapilus will have the Idaho Political Update at 8:40.
- An Argentine court has ruled that an Orangutan is a non-human person!
Kelly Klaas and Jill Skeem on Top Story, 8 to 10 a.m. on News Radio 1310 KLIX.
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