Idaho House Pulls Ultrasound Bill From Agenda…For Now
For several days the conversat
ion at the State Capitol has been ongoing… should a woman be required to get an ultrasound before an abortion? Wednesday, movement on that bill was halted when Rep. Tom Loertscher, the Chairman of the House State Affairs Committee canceled a hearing set for today. The bill cleared the senate Monday but before it could land in the house, Chairman Loertscher pulled it from the agenda saying there’s been a lot of misinformation about the bill. For days, the bill and Idaho have garnered much local and national attention. Monday, the sponsor of the bill, Senator Chuck Winder, was blasted on dozens of national blog sites and cable news channels for a highly controversial comment he made suggesting women might use rape as an excuse to get an abortion. Wednesday morning Boise Representative Cherie Buckner-Webb appeared on MSNBC to echo the words of those offended by the comments and the bill. However, just because the Thursday meeting has been canceled doesn't mean the bill is dead and that has proponents holding onto hope. It was a unique demonstration held at the Statehouse Wednesday as six pregnant women underwent ultrasounds in the rotunda. As the end of the session nears, the future of the ultrasound bill will for now, stand still in the Idaho House of representatives. Rep. Loertscher said the bill could reappear in the next few days.