7 Ways to Be a Good Neighbor in Idaho
Moving into a new home can be fun, and exciting, but also scary. There is much unpacking to do, enrolling kids in school, figuring out how long it'll take to get to work, and meeting your new neighbors. Sometimes there is pressure to be a good neighbor, and it is often hard to know how to do that. You can stay away and never talk to them, you can be friendly and wave, but never go beyond that, or you can become friends and go above and beyond to help them. If you are looking to make a good impression and stay on good terms with the people living around you, here are some things you can do to become a good neighbor.
Don't Be the Trash House on the Block
With such a busy schedule, it can often be hard to find proper time to do yard work. Perhaps you are someone that owns your first home and aren't use to doing it, or don't have the proper tools to do so. Don't take too long to get things figured out, as you can quickly become the house that everyone looks at and shakes their head. If you let the grass get too long, the weeds get too wild and don't take proper care of your yard, you will soon be that house that everyone thinks is the bad yard on the street.
Don't Mow or Use Loud Equipment in the Early Morning
Doing yard work to keep up the appearance of your new house is vital, but make sure to do so in a proper way. Be mindful and respectful of your surrounding neighbors when mowing, using your leaf blower, snow blower, or any other loud equipment you may be using. While it is smart to get work done before the heat of the day, doing so too early may upset a few of the people around you and put you on the bad neighbor list.
Pickup After Your Pets
While most often your animals will use your yard to do their business, it is nice to get them out of the house and explore a little as well. When walking your dog, if yours decides to do its business in a neighbor's yard, make sure to pick it up and dispose of it properly. You never know when a neighbor sees your dog squatting in their yard, and it isn't a nice surprise to leave for them. If you don't want it in your yard, odds are they don't want it in theirs.
Notify of Party or Company Coming
This one may seem a little silly, but it is always a good idea to notify your neighbors if you are planning to have a party or company over that can affect parking in the area. It lets them know that cars will be parking up and down the street, as well as there may be some noises happening. Giving them a heads up shows them you are respectful and in return, they will hopefully do the same for you. You don't necessarily have to go out of your way to notify them, but if you see them out, you can give them a heads up.
Neighbors Helping Neighbors
Being able to help your neighbor when you can goes a long way. If they need help carrying in groceries, shoveling their driveway, help with yard work, or carrying in something heavy, it often can lead to a better relationship. Offer to help if you see them struggling, and if they ask, do your best to help. They in return will help you when you need it.
Food Makes for Happy Neighborhoods
Around the holidays, make sure to make an extra tin of cookies or two for the people that live around you. They put up with your antics all year, and offering them some cookies or treats is a nice gesture to say thank you, and also that you appreciate them as well. Nothing says good neighbor like a tin full of delicious cookies. If you aren't a good baker, store-bought cookies work just as well.
Keep Your Business in the Home
While often neighbors can be the best reality show, make sure you do not become one for those living around you. All couples and families fight and have issues, but make sure to keep them in the home. If your neighbors know what you are fighting about, see the cops outside your home often, or sit outside with popcorn while facing your house, you are most likely not a good neighbor, other than for entertainment.

It seems simple when you write it out, but being a good neighbor isn't always easy. Many times it depends on who your neighbor is and how they act, as to how you act towards them. Try to keep the peace, keep noises to a minimum, keep your house in order, and be respectful and you should fall on the good neighbor list. If your neighbors aren't good and it becomes too much, it may be time to pack up and find some new ones.
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