Everyone is looking for love in this world. A hug, a kiss, and someone to listen is all everyone wants. Love can come in many forms, but we all need it somehow. Some, enjoy love from their parents, while others find love through building their own family. Some are single, but find love through family and friends, and others look to find love spiritually. However, you see it is up to you. According to one study, people in Idaho are finding love, but not with other people, or even with their current partners or spouses.

Loving Pets in Idaho

Credit: Purestock
Credit: Purestock

Not everyone will find love by finding a partner, getting married, and having kids. For some, love with an animal is much more preferred, and for some, they enjoy their pets more than their spouse or partner. According to a recent study on datingadvice.com, 59 percent of those surveyed would refuse to be with someone who didn't want pets. Only 7 percent of people would not date someone who has a dog, and 11 percent would not date someone with a cat. Interestingly, 31 percent surveyed admitted to loving their pet more than their current partner. For those who are currently dating, 28 percent admitted to using their pet in their dating profile, and 11 percent have even taken their pet on a date. 

Loving Animals More Than People in Idaho

Credit: DGLimages
Credit: DGLimages

Anyone who has been married for any significant amount of time will tell you that a spouse loving a pet more than them isn't uncommon, but when it comes to dating, loving your pet more could cause a problem. According to the survey, 10 percent of people feel uncomfortable when a new prospect has a pet from a previous relationship, and 1 in 10 have dumped someone because their pet didn't like them. In an alarming statistic, 1 in 6 have gotten into an argument with a date over pets, and 31 percent say their pet has ruined an intimate moment. When it comes to dealing with pets and a new partner, 45 percent have considered dumping their partner, with only 15 percent considering rehoming their pet. 

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Many of us have had a dog, cat, bird, horse, or some sort of pet we loved dearly and called our best friend. Pets hold a special place in a person's heart, but should they come before finding love with another person? They cause fewer arguments and less pain, but there is still something missing. To read the full study, make sure to click the link in the second paragraph above.

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