With so many stores closing and new ones opening in the last few years, it is hard to keep track of all of them. It seems weekly that stores close in the Magic Valley, and days or weeks later something new has moved in. One day a store will be where it has always been, and a few days or weeks later, you drive by and without notice, it is gone. This has become the norm, but sometimes when a store disappears from its location, it isn't because the store closed. One store in the Magic Valley recently disappeared, but the owner has confirmed that they aren't closed or strictly online, instead they have changed locations.

PYE Games in Buhl Moves Stores

Credit: Jeff
Credit: Jeff
Credit: Jeff
Credit: Jeff
Credit: Jeff
Credit: Jeff

The unique toy store, PYE Games, in Buhl has disappeared. Their previous location, 917 Main Street, is vacant, and they seem to have vanished in the middle of the night. I reached out to the owner to see if they had gone out of business, and the good news is they have not. They are staying in Buhl and relocating to 700 HWY 30 across from Ridley's. The previous location was being rented, and this time they will own the building, giving them a little more freedom and control of the premise. The new location will work as their production studio, as they make all their toys, and a store as well. The owner, Paul, would like to be up and running by the end of this week or early next week. 

What are PYE Games in Buhl? 

Credit: Jeff
Credit: Jeff
Credit: Jeff
Credit: Jeff
Credit: Jeff
Credit: Jeff
Credit: Jeff
Credit: Jeff

PYE games opened up three years ago and started with Paul and his wife Kristi making toys with one 3D printer. They have expanded to over 80 printers today, and continue to grow. PYE games offers unique toys like dragons, seen in the pictures above, dinosaurs, dice spinners, math spinners, fidget cubes, and much more. From little kids to adults, their toys are great for all ages and will entertain every family member. 

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For Dungeons and Dragons players, PYE Games is a dream come true. The dice spinners are great for D and D. The math spinners are great to teach children simple math and let them have fun learning. If you haven't checked out PYE games lately, once their store is up and running again, you need to head out to Buhl and see what new toys Paul and Kristi have come up with. Some toys they can make in a day and some take multiple days, but all are fun and enjoyable in different ways. Make sure to check back here for when PYE games is back up and running in their new location. 

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