Members Named for Idaho Workforce and Education Task Force
BOISE, Idaho (Press Release) – Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter announced the full membership rolls today for two new task forces created to study and recommend how best to address Idaho’s “K-through-Career” education and job training needs beyond high school.
The Governor’s 36-member Higher Education Task Force and 17-member Workforce Development Task Force both have scheduled organizational meetings in Boise on Friday, February 10th to begin their work. They are patterned on the Governor’s successful Task Force for Improving Education, which submitted 20 recommendations for K-12 public school reforms.
The State now is in the third year of a five-year plan for implementing those recommendations targeting teacher pay, preparation and professional development, local school accountability, post-secondary counseling, classroom technology and student performance.
“I’m excited to see such great willingness to participate in this important process. These citizens are eager to help identify and advance the most effective ways for Idaho to aggressively pursue our goals of educating and preparing more Idahoans for productive careers while addressing the growing employer demand for skilled workers,” Governor Otter said. “Individuals and organizations from throughout Idaho are joining in this effort to improve how we plan, fund and implement public policies that work for the people we serve.”
Below is the full list of members of both working groups, including several from the Magic Valley and Wood River Valley: Jeff Fox with the College of Southern Idaho, Laird Stone, College of Southern Idaho Board of Trustees, Wendy Jaquet, Ketchum, Boise State University instructor and former legislator, Scott Corsetti, Twin Falls, Chobani, Senator Michelle Stennett, Ketchum
Source: Idaho Governor's Office
Workforce Development Task Force
Higher Education Task Force
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