One mountain lion made its way into a Utah town, but instead of going through a neighborhood or business area, it was spotted near a busy college campus.
Imagine having a nice night out with your family, enjoying dinner, having a fun conversation, and all of a sudden a wild animal comes rushing through the restaurant. It is one thing if the wild animal is small like a rat, a squirrel, or even a raccoon, but imagine a bigger animal coming through...
It isn't often a herd this size moves together, but recently west of Idaho, a massive herd of elk was leaping across the road and forced traffic to stop.
Idaho might not be Australia, where any number of dangerous animals could kill you, but there certainly are a number of animals you don’t want to come face-to-face with.
There is one killer that is creeping around this time of year, but the victims are often our pets instead of humans and they need help to not meet a tragic fate.