Dog Dead After Leaping Over Ledge at Salmon Dam Near Twin FallsDog Dead After Leaping Over Ledge at Salmon Dam Near Twin Falls The owner didn’t suffer any life threatening injuries.Bill ColleyBill Colley
Drone Offers Spectacular View Of Salmon Dam From AboveDrone Offers Spectacular View Of Salmon Dam From AboveOn sunny days you could relax by looking over what appeared to be shimmering glass.Bill ColleyBill Colley
Salmon Dam Reservoir Stoked & More Snow ComingSalmon Dam Reservoir Stoked & More Snow ComingI got a note yesterday from a local rancher who told me the Salmon Dam Reservoir is full.Bill ColleyBill Colley
BLM to Repair Access Roads near Salmon Falls ReservoirBLM to Repair Access Roads near Salmon Falls ReservoirTWIN FALLS, Idaho (KLIX) – Crews with the Bureau of Land Management over the next week or so are planning to repair winter-damaged roads that access recreation areas near Salmon Falls Reservoir.Andrew WeeksAndrew Weeks