BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Former Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna says he will not run for the open House seat in Idaho's 1st Congressional District.
BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna is proposing a 6.9 percent budget increase to Idaho's public school funding for 2015, the largest spending increase he's proposed in his nearly eight-year tenure.
Boise, Idaho (KMVT-TV / KTWT-TV) - Idaho Public Instruction Superintendent Tom Luna announced this Monday morning that he will not seek a third term to his office.
BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Public schools chief Tom Luna plans to ask the 2013 Idaho Legislature to adopt another pay-for-performance program for teachers, saying he doesn't believe voters' rejection of merit pay last week is any indication they want to return to the old way of compensating educators...
BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Idaho teachers will still get about $38 million in merit-pay bonuses this year, despite voters' rejection of public schools chief Tom Luna's education overhaul. The Idaho attorney general says the failure at the polls shouldn't affect the payout...
BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Idaho public schools chief Tom Luna says he can't go anywhere without being grilled about his "Students Come First" laws limiting union bargaining, promoting merit pay and providing laptops for high school kids. Michael Lanza, the head of the "Vote No on Propositions 1, 2 and 3" effort, knows the feeling...
BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Idaho's new $182 million contract with Hewlett-Packard Co. to provide laptops to high school students and teachers contains a language requiring the state to pay for machines that are lost, damaged or stolen. Idaho and the computer maker announced the eight-year deal last week...
BOISE, Idaho (AP) — The eight-year, $180 million pact with Hewlett-Packard Co. for laptops required under public schools chief Tom Luna's education overhaul is dividing Idaho's Republican lawmakers. Rep. Lynn Luker of Boise said Friday during a meeting inside the Capitol the price was "double pretty much what we anticipated...
BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Now that state officials have signed a $180 million deal to put laptops in the hands of high school students, the task facing lawmakers will be finding the money to pay for it. State leaders on Tuesday announced the eight-year contract with Hewlett-Packard Co...
BOISE, Idaho (AP) — A group promoting Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna's education overhaul ahead of the Nov. 6 vote refused again to disclose its donors and instead suggested it take back its money. Education Voters of Idaho's new lawyer, Christ Troupis, on Friday told Secretary of State Ben Ysursa that his client is a nonprofit organization that's exempt from campaign disclosure...
BOISE, Idaho (AP) — An ad promoting Idaho education reforms recycles a three-year-old speech, using it out of context to bash those trying to repeal the changes on Nov. 6. The advertisement played Monday on the Internet and Idaho radio stations uses an excerpt from a 2009 speech by National Education Association lawyer Bob Chanin...
BOISE, Idaho (AP) — A former Idaho school district superintendent has filed a lawsuit against the state arguing public schools are violating the state constitution by charging students fees for what is supposed to be a free education. The Spokesman-Review (http://bit...
BOISE, Idaho (AP) — The state Department of Education has posted data online telling school districts which teachers have earned a bonus under a new merit pay plan. Districts were notified Wednesday they'll have 30 days to review and appeal the data used to calculate the pay-for-performance bonuses scheduled to go out Nov...
BOISE, Idaho (AP) — The spokeswoman for State Schools Superintendent Tom Luna triggered a tug of war over his Wikipedia entry when revising the page to include, among other things, positive information about his reforms — the subject of polarizing debate...
BOISE, Idaho (AP) — A new radio advertisement from critics of Idaho's education reforms calls a laptop program being rolled out under the changes an "unfunded mandate" that will require schools to spend millions of dollars they don't have...
Public schools will receive a $31 million boost from Idaho's land endowment next year. But not every member of the state Board of Land Commissioners was happy with the distribution. The Spokesman-Review reports that public schools chief Tom Luna, who sits on the board with Idaho's four other top elected officials, was the only dissenting vote...
Stand-up comic Ron "Pete" Peterson, who finished fourth with 5 percent of the vote in the 2010 GOP primary, says he's organizing another run at removing Idaho Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna from office. Peterson, of Boise, was a key player in the effort that fell more than 100,000 signatures short of putting a Luna recall on the Aug...