TF City Council Selection Pared To Four
The whirlwind selection process in finding a person to replace former Twin Falls City Councilman Lance Clow should be coming to an end by next Monday. Last night the city council selection committee listened to eleven candidates give three minute speeches as to why they wanted to be on the council. The list began with thirteen candidates but two were disqualified at the beginning because they were apparently not legally registered to vote. A city council candidate must be legally registered to vote. After the remaining eleven spoke, seven were eliminated. That left the four finalists, who include Gary Garnand, Allen Starley, Christopher Reid and Suzanne Hawkins. The remaining four candidates will be interviewed by the selection committee by Friday and a final decision by the full city council should be made by Monday. Mayor Greg Lanting said after the selection on Monday the new member will be sworn in and will participate in the Monday meeting.
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