The Boise Bogeyman Calls Out Idaho Republicans
The Bogeyman joined me on-air. That’s how some in Idaho news media and state government view Wayne Hoffman. He’s the President of the Idaho Freedom Foundation. The not-for-profit outfit is a government watchdog, working from a constitution based perspective.
Do Idaho voters share the values the IFF promotes? If so, then is the IFF to blame for an increasingly conservative legislature
Hoffman annoys some leading Republicans when he says they give only lip service to state and federal constitutions and he also tells us many aren’t even conservatives. In his view, they mouth the right words before Election Day and then don’t follow through. He already annoyed Democrats and their fellow travelers in newsrooms. This is a link to the Foundation’s website. Check out the section on the Freedom Index. It’s especially one area that gets under the skin of legislators.
IFF is also leading the charge against Critical Race Theory in schools. News media and the education establishment maintain it’s not being taught in Idaho classrooms. Hoffman would differ. I’ll also put in my two cents. I’ve seen his organization post photographic evidence. It takes some sort of denial in order for reporters to ignore what’s so obviously uncovered.
This past spring, I had two local schoolteachers tell me it exists in their classrooms.
An argument from opponents claims IFF scores on legislative votes and that then frighten some members into becoming right-wing zealots. It’s accepted by some Republican Party regulars, liberals in academia and especially in newsrooms. First, let’s define right wing. If you campaign against abortion is that a right-wing issue? When you actually vote against pro-life or abolition measures, does that make you right, left or center?
There are several issues where similar questions can be asked.
Do Idaho voters share the values the IFF promotes? If so, then is the IFF to blame for an increasingly conservative legislature or are Representatives and Senators increasingly following public opinion?
You can listen to Wayne and me by clicking on the video below. He was a guest on 96.1 FM and Newsradio 1310 KLIX.
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