Toys For Tots And Food Truck Toy Drive Saturday
This Saturday December 12th Toys for Tots is having a toy drive behind Albertsons with several food trucks to help bring in the donations.
The event is going to have Sweet T's Cupcakery food truck, Porked Out, Creative Cravings and the goal is to get as many toys for families in need as possible.
There have been quite a few toy drives around the area since many of the events that usually draw in toys have been cancelled. You can donate to Toys for Tots from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. and while you're there you can get some lunch or breakfast for the family or grab some sweets from the cupcakery. Everyone loves cupcakes.
This year has been particularly rough on families and the need is debatably greater than ever. Toys for Tots works hard every year to collect as many unused unwrapped toys for all ages as possible. The good news is it is right behind Albertson's so you can go in there, get a toy and drop it off all in close proximity to each other.
This will also be the last day that Porked Out will be operating until February so you know they are going to have some great deals. Sweet T's Cupcakery hasn't been open long so this is a great time to try them out and Creative Cravings is a great lunch stop. Everything you need is in one place.

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