Craters Of The Moon Celebrating The First Walk On The Moon 50 Years Ago
50 years ago in July of 1969, Aldrin and Armstrong became the first men to walk on the moon. Though there are some theories that we never really walked on the moon and it was either filmed in a studio in Hollywood or at the Craters of the Moon here in Idaho. Craters of the Moon has actually been used for research and mission prep by NASA. After the Apollo 11 moon trip and first moon landing, NASA used craters to prepare for the next lunar mission in 1971.
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the initial moon landing and Craters is celebrating with a day of events at their Moonfest on July 20th from 9:30 am to 10:30 pm. Astronaut John Phillips will host two presentations, there will be ranger led activities for kids, and a moon viewing. For a full list of events and times check out the National Park Service Craters of the Moon press release.