Did Miss Idaho Pose Naked With Potatoes?
Picture courtesy, Bill Colley.
When I was a boy there was a game called hot potato. There was even a toy potato with a random timer that would simulate an explosion. You would toss the potato around with friends and the goal was to have someone else holding the tuber when it went bang!
I came across a story today and I don’t believe it defines hot potato in the way I recall the game.
a Miss Idaho was photographed naked in a crib full of potatoes. In 1935!
Rare News is casting doubt on a claim a Miss Idaho was photographed naked in a crib full of potatoes. In 1935! Apparently a black and white picture has surfaced and some claim it’s legitimate, however. There are few available records offering any serious confirmation.
Potatoes, until scrubbed, are usually dirty and I imagine this might cause some itching. And the potato bugs crawling across skin might not be very dignified for a pageant contestant.
You can also check this link from the Facebook page of the Idaho Potato Museum. It casts even more doubt (it also has a photograph of a lovely young woman and is G-rated).
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