Free Admission To Yellowstone And Other National Parks Monday
I feel like this could be a contest eventually; asking each other when the last time was that they left the state. For me, I haven't been out of Idaho since July of 2020. So, I'd probably lose the game. You do have the option to leave the state if you want to, even during the pandemic, and in some cases it seems like you are encouraged to do it. So, while it may seem odd that part of the government wants you to stay home and another part of the government is encouraging you to get out; that's the world we live in. You have your rights to choose, so choose wisely and be safe.
On Monday January 18th, the U.S. National Park Service is waiving fees to National Parks for Martin Luther King Day. That free admission includes Yellowstone, and we know you can get in a good Yellowstone visit in just a day under normal conditions. Conditions right now aren't normal though as all roads inside the park are closed to cars except the North and Northeast Entrance roads on the Montana side. That doesn't mean you are out of luck, as there are still ways to enjoy Yellowstone including guided snowmobile tours, sled dog tours, and hiking one of the many trails. The Mammoth Campground is still open if you want to spend the night.
The main thing to know about Yellowstone is that you need to plan ahead to make the best of your visit, whether you visit Monday or in a busier month when all roads are open. Other upcoming free admission dates will be April 17, August 4, August 25, September 25, and November 11 in 2021. I went in late July of 2019 and it was an epic adventure because we went in with a flexible plan and a list of the things we really wanted to see and do in case we started running out of time.