When Should You Quit a Job in Idaho or Wait Until Something Better Comes Along?
I have a child who recently finished high school. She has worked a couple of jobs in the 2 years leading up to graduation and is ready for full-time employment. Getting hired for the right job is not always easy, but getting hired for the wrong job may not be any better.
In her search for employment that will, in her hopes, last at least 3 years, she opted for a job she wasn’t too sure about. After the first day of orientation, we sat at dinner and discussed it. She said this was definitely NOT the job for her, but she would keep doing it until something else came through.
Here lies the dilemma. Should she carry on with a new job she has no intention of keeping for any longer than necessary, or leave before too much time is invested on either side? Being 18yrs old, learning how to deal with this kind of conflict is an excellent learning experience.
Should Idaho New Hires Quit if the Job Doesn’t ‘Fit’?
In her situation, she isn’t beholden to a landlord or her stomach. She’s still staying at home. She has a bit more time to find employment that she finds fulfilling. A advise her to go to her employer and let them know up front this is not going to work for her.
From an employer standpoint, I think it would be better to have a new hire jump ship before too much time investment has been made. Every day a new employee is training with no intent of staying is a day lost finding one who will. With an approximate cost of over $4000 to start a new employee, a good fit of ‘person to position’ is vital.
For people who don’t have that luxury, it is a bit more complicated. There has to be some balancing the need for income to whether or not the job is bearable for any duration of time. If a person is hungry enough, almost anything is manageable for a short time.

Does the old saying still apply? It’s easier to get a job if you already have a job.