Prayers For Idaho Girl With Rare Heart Defect Having Surgery
A young Idaho girl is preparing for a very big surgery to repair a rare defect of the heart that less than one percent of the country's population is born with. Emmalynn Rupe is flying to California for this surgery in less than a month, and we send our prayers to her.
Emmalynn, 12, is having heart surgery at Stanford University Medical Center in December, according to a YouTube post that shared her story. She was diagnosed with a coronary artery disorder, according to information shared by KTVB news. The defect causes Emmalynn pain when she exerts too much energy.
It's estimated that approximately 40,000 children are born with serious heart defects that require surgery every year, according to data shared by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. One in four of the children in these groups is considered critical, according to the CDC.
As a parent of two children, I'm hoping for the absolute best for this beautiful girl. I send my heartfelt prayers to Emmalynn, and know she will be in some of the best hands in the medical profession in the entire world in just a few weeks. Stanford has an impeccable record when it comes to these types of procedures, and Emmalynn will hopefully receive incredible care and proceed to live a normal life physically following the surgery.
Please keep this young, Idaho girl in your thoughts over the holidays. We wish the family the best, and hopefully, the new year will bring nothing but happiness for Emmalynn and her family.