Jerome Write-In Candidate to Challenge Bell for State Seat
JEROME, Idaho (KLIX)- The Jerome Democrats announced Friday they’ll have a write-in candidate for the May 17th primary to challenge Maxine Bell in November.
According to a party press release Rudy Cordova is seeking the Democratic Party nomination for State Representative, District 25 A. Cordova will need to gain 50 votes to challenge Bell in the November general election.
Cordova is a Colorado native who works with the management team at home improvement store in Twin Falls. He has lived in Jerome for the past 11 years with his wife, Veronica and his 3 sons.
“I will be listening to the voters of District 25 to learn your thoughts on the issues you find most important. I will be expanding upon the issues that I see as important such as health care for all, funding of education for our children, agricultural rights and equality for all,” Cordova said regarding his run for the legislature.