The name Dr. Ryan Cole was vaguely familiar.  I’m a conservative.  I work in media.  I believe I’ve got a healthy skepticism of most things that cross my radar.  It doesn’t make me a conspiracy theorist.  It makes me cautious.  It doesn’t mean I blindly follow anyone who feeds my confirmation bias.

It appears Dr. Anthony Fauci is now backpedaling somewhat on booster shots.  He changes his mind so often I don’t need Dr. Cole to sow doubts.

I cite all of these points because the angry left believes anyone right of a “moderate” Republican is a dupe.  Talk radio hosts and Fox News tell you what and how to think, according to the leftist playbook.  It’s because the lefties believe they’ve been imbued with self-evident truth.  In other words, whatever Rachel Maddow says.  Or some scraggly professor or late night comic.

We all travel in our own media worlds and I’m a rare exception.  I also read liberal media.  Such as a publication called the Daily Beast. It carries a story about Dr. Cole and how his Svengali like utterances are convincing those dumb, dumb conservatives to shun COVID vaccines.  As if you didn’t already have other grounds for skipping the jab.  Perhaps based on faith or you already do a marvelous impersonation of a hermit and rarely get exposed to other people.

This morning I stumbled across a story at RealClear Politics.  It appears Dr. Anthony Fauci is now backpedaling somewhat on booster shots.  He changes his mind so often I don’t need Dr. Cole to sow doubts.  Fauci does much better work on said count.

Oh, and at the same site I found this link.  Simply put, does anyone, no matter political affiliation, have blanket trust in government and elites?  After all, everyone gets a steady dollop of lies, half-truths and disinformation.  If you’re curious enough, you’ll sift a lot of news and opinion and make reasoned choices.  It’s called liberty.

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