POLL: Twin Falls Super Bowl Predictions
This Sunday is the Super Bowl. Now, when I say Super Bowl predictions, I don't just mean who do you think is going to win. I have a few questions I want people to answer and see who gets the most predictions correct.
I want to know things like why people are watching the Super Bowl? Not everyone is a Kansas City Chief fan or a Tampa Bay fan or a "I want to see if Tom Brady wins or loses" fan. Is it commercials? food? You can't miss the party?
Also, I am curious how many people aren't going to watch because the commercials aren't going to be as extra this year. A lot of the staple organizations that spend a lot of money on Super Bowl commercials have decided against it and donated that money for COVID relief.
With the pandemic, Super Bowl parties might look a little different this year too. I am curious how many people are actually going to parties or staying home for the first time in a long time.
And the Half Time Show is always something people talk about. I personally don't know much about The Weeknd, it isn't my favorite type of music but I am interested to see how good it ends up. I have to say it is almost always entertaining.
It is definitely going to be a different year.