Strawberry Moon To Rise Friday Over Idaho
Tonight, Friday June 5th, the sixth full moon of the year will rise. The Strawberry Moon this evening will look larger and more colorful than normal. Since the moon will rise low and stay low tonight, the colors of the moon should be bold orange and yellow. Also when the moon rises low and lingers along the horizon it gives the illusion that the moon is larger than it really is. In the United States we call it a Strawberry Moon but according to Accuweather, in other parts of the world it can be called the Mead Moon, Rose Moon, and Honey Moon. The moon will rise over Southern Idaho around 9:30pm which will be the best time to see the full effect of the supermoon.
In other parts of the world they will experience a lunar eclipse which we can view on YouTube from the European virtual telescope.
NASA is also monitoring an asteroid they estimate to be at least the size of the Empire State Building. This asteroid is set to pass by earth at a safe distance on Saturday, June 6th. NASA even has a widget which shows the next five asteroids that will pass by earth within 4.6 million miles.

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