As hard as it is to not let the magic come to an end, it will happen eventually, but should other adults be held responsible if they ruin it for your child?
There is one particular place that is more dangerous than the rest during the holiday season in Idaho, and you can't avoid it, no matter how hard you try.
How can residents of the Magic Valley lessen these accidents from occurring, and what can be done to make sure everyone makes it home safe this holiday season?
When it comes to where to spend the holiday, where is the best place to spend Thanksgiving, where is the worst, and is Idaho a great place to chow down on turkey?
There are fantastic deals to be had, but when it comes to Black Friday shopping there is one store that doesn't participate that many wish would jump on board.
Before Halloween arrived, some in Twin Falls began decorating for Christmas, but when should you begin hanging Christmas lights for the holiday season?
It is a problem when one of the people that is supposed to be delivering them, decides to stop doing so daily, and that has happened recently in the Magic Valley.
Twin Falls has often been referred to as a giving community, but when it comes to the rest of the country, are the people of Idaho as giving as they think they are?