Do I See 6 Dollars a Gallon on Idaho’s Horizon?Do I See 6 Dollars a Gallon on Idaho’s Horizon?Where we go from here is anybody's guess.Bill ColleyBill Colley
Get Ready Idaho for the Most Expensive Gas in HistoryGet Ready Idaho for the Most Expensive Gas in HistoryHe paid $5.80 a gallon.Bill ColleyBill Colley
Stable Gas Prices Could Become the NormStable Gas Prices Could Become the NormThis is due to vastly increased oil production from the United States.Bill ColleyBill Colley
Wind and Solar Remain Far Fetched For PowerWind and Solar Remain Far Fetched For PowerI’ve also got no plans to subsidize your plans.Bill ColleyBill Colley
There’s a Prediction of Gas Below a Dollar a GallonThere’s a Prediction of Gas Below a Dollar a GallonConsider the fracking revolution would come tumbling down in America with a price crash.Bill ColleyBill Colley
Turns Out The Price Of Gas May Hold Steady (For Now)Turns Out The Price Of Gas May Hold Steady (For Now)The United States and Russia pump vast quantities of oil.Bill ColleyBill Colley
Pain At The Gas Pump Shouldn’t Last LongPain At The Gas Pump Shouldn’t Last LongIf all normal factors play out, cheap oil is with us again in just a few months.Bill ColleyBill Colley
Much Higher Gas Prices May be ComingMuch Higher Gas Prices May be ComingOne analyst predicts an astounding price of $400 a barrel is on the way!Bill ColleyBill Colley
An Abundance of EnergyAn Abundance of EnergyMore discussion today on the future of energy prices and this is one area where optimism reigns.Bill ColleyBill Colley