Democrats allege Donald Trump will start World War III with China. Lefty is unhappy because it interferes with his plans for World War III with Russia.
I’m evidence life isn’t predictable. In the summer of 2007, I was working as a casual employee of the United States Postal Service. Every night when I walked into work at a postal sorting and distribution center just before 10:00 P.M, I thought it might be the night I would die on the job...
“That’s not the kind of people we are!” is a persistent whine from the American left. When they say “we” they presume their views represent everyone or should because the left is, well, you know, superior in compassion and morality (unless you’re a baby in a womb)...
A couple of weeks ago I mentioned on-air there was economic trouble ahead. I’m not reading this in America’s largest newspapers or hearing it on TV network news. Most of the reporting on troubled waters is coming from overseas. The business trade journals in this country are giving some coverage as you can read here but it’s limited and most Americans aren’t reading these publications...
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