The Gooding Radio Challenge
A woman from Gooding had a question about the Newsradio 1310, KLIX signal. She listens on the app (which I highly recommend as an alternative) but is concerned about the quality of the over-the-air signal. She isn’t the first person who has had periodic struggles listening to the radio.
In fact, most of the people who’ve had trouble with reception over the past year have been in two places. Gooding and Burley. In one case, our engineering staff did some troubleshooting. It turns out a construction project in one Gooding neighborhood did for a time to interfere with the signal.
It was a grainy picture and was from the NBC affiliate in Topeka, Kansas.
When I was a teenager we moved into a new house two miles away from our old house. We were at the base of a hill that was behind the house and on the north end of the property. We lost the over-the-air signal to the local NBC-TV affiliate. Playing with the antenna one morning I picked up the Today Show. It was a grainy picture and was from the NBC affiliate in Topeka, Kansas. Some strange things can happen with broadcast signals.
When I owned my last car I could listen to KLIX directly into Ketchum. My new car loses the signal around Hailey. The old car had a short and stubby antenna. The new vehicle doesn’t.
Our engineering staff is doing a signal survey. If you’re experiencing changes, they’d like to know. Here’s a thought on how you can share your experience. Download the app for your smartphone. Then you can drop us a line and explain what you’re hearing and where. It would be much appreciated.