The Sacagawea Dollar is Useless! (Opinion)
I’m not going to do business with any merchant passing along his personal inconveniences.
Government satisfied the politically correct with a coin nobody wants and now the car wash wants to fob them off on me
Over the weekend, I decided to get the car washed. There are a lot of options in Twin Falls and generally I like a power wash. The trouble is my normal car wash hasn’t had hot wax available for quite some time and nobody appears in much of a hurry to get the machine fixed.
Instead, I went to an automatic wash where an attendant handed me 3 gold colored tokens as change. When I objected, he insisted the Sacagawea dollars were legal tender. As we all know getting rid of them is easier said than done. Government satisfied the politically correct with a coin nobody wants and now the car wash wants to fob them off on me. Great business decision because I won’t be a repeat customer! I took some business courses in college and nobody ever recommended you boost business by p***ing off your customers.
I did finally find a solution. Along with a check I tossed the coins into the collection basket at church. May God forgive me!