A Change of Command at St. Edward the Confessor
Now I know what the kid held back in 3rd grade felt like when people he knew graduated to 4th grade. Our pastor announced this weekend his departure in late June. The Roman Catholic Church doesn’t keep priests in one place for very long. It’s like a guy I know working in radio.
He often shares what the original text literally meant in Greek before translations. It’s a learning experience.
Father Mike St. Marie is a talented preacher and administrator. He can spin a homily without one “um” or “ah”. He often shares what the original text literally meant in Greek before translations. It’s a learning experience.
It’ll take two priests to replace Father Mike. I swear, sometimes it appears the Church is trying to work clergy to death. As an obedient Catholic I usually don’t offer criticism but if I had the ear of the Vatican…
My older sister joined an American Baptist Church almost 30 years ago. When her pastor recently retired after 38 years at the helm he left quite a legacy. One neighboring mainline church a block away closed but my sister’s church has only grown. It’s what a steady hand can do when left to build in one spot.
The day is going to come when the Roman Church opens the ranks of its priests to married men. There’s such a need! Of course if Father Mike had kids he would be raising them as Seahawks fans. They would quickly learn the highs and lows of life. Good Christian formation!
Church and work are the two constants in my life. I’m not comfortable with change. He’s going to be greatly missed.