A Constitutional Ban on Marijuana is a Long Shot
Why is it people from other states need us to follow their lead? I want to give some credit to a publication known as the Inlander, which is writing about Idaho being a loner when it comes to drug legalization. The writer isn’t insulting but points out the state is surrounded by neighbors who’ve legalized marijuana for medicinal or recreational use.
The Idaho Senate is considering legislation that would ban marijuana and some other assorted drugs through a constitutional amendment. I say other drugs because I’ve read some reports on the Associated Press wire but little else. I don’t smoke dope, so reading up on the details isn’t a personal priority. I would hope any effort at a ban wouldn’t eliminate some drugs needed by the suffering.
Also, the people who smoke the stuff are vocal. Dope is like a religious sacrament for many of them. I’m not sure the opposition has the same level of commitment to a ban.
Before any amending gets done, voters will have a say in November of 2022. The people behind the effort in the Senate apparently believe this is one they can win. I’m not so sure. Idaho has changed considerably in the last five years. All those new housing developments are bringing in people from states where the drug is now legal. Older voters are likely the most opposed to legalization and they die more often than younger voters. In other words, the opposition is naturally fading away. The few young people I speak with about legalization are rarely adamantly opposed. At best, agnostic.
Also, the people who smoke the stuff are vocal. Dope is like a religious sacrament for many of them. I’m not sure the opposition has the same level of commitment to a ban.
I get criticized for not leading the charge for legalization. A few points, no politician has ever told me my opinion influenced his vote. Or her vote. I’ve been told I’m not a conservative because I’m not a marijuana cheerleader. Really? Share a list with me of prominent American conservatives pining for access to a joint. You may gather some names but these will be a minority among those conservatives. Legalization isn’t a conservative battle cry. It’s the position of a libertarian or anarchic. Big difference.
I might also point out the people banging the drum for legalization generally are already using the product and for the most part, if they aren’t selling it outside schools or driving stoned, they’re pretty much left unmolested by law enforcement.
I had a Facebook connection suffering terribly from cancer. She would routinely live stream herself while smoking a bowl. To my knowledge, nobody knocked down her door and dragged her away.
No matter the outcome in 2022, status quo.
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