Authorties investigate possible Equine Herpes Virus Outbreak In Idaho
The Idaho State Department of Agriculture is investigating what it's calling "a suspected outbreak" of Equine Herpes Virus within the state. The department warns that Horses may have been exposed to the severe neurological form of EHV-1 at the NCHA Western National Championships in Ogden, Utah held April 30th through May 8th. Confirmed and suspected cases of the disease have also been reported in Utah, Colorado and several other states. Two Idaho horses that traveled to the event have died and several others are currently under the care of veterinarians. State Veterinarian, Dr. Bill Barton is recommending horse owners incorporate strict movement controls or containment methods to prevent the spread of the disease. He also says that you should contact your vet if your animals attended the utah event. Equine Herpes Virus is highly contagious among horses. Llamas and alpacas can also be affected but the virus poses no health threat to humans.