(KLIX)- Several roads have been closed or have restricted access while the Cave Canyon Fire burns. According to the Twin Falls Sheriff's office all access to the South Hills via Rockcreek Road or Indian Springs is closed as well as the Rockcreek Drainage east of Deadline Ridge.    Also Murtaugh Lake is completely closed  as air fire crews access water from the lake to aid in the fire fighting efforts.

Also the following information is from Minidoka Complex Fire officials:

Rock Creek Canyon closed on the Cave Canyon Fire All National Forest System (NFS) lands within the following boundary.  Beginning at the junction of the Rock Creek Road (County Road G3/NFS Road #515) and the Forest Boundary located in Township 12 south Range 19 east section 31 then southerly along and including all NFS Lands 500 feet west of the Rock Creek Road approximately 14 miles to the junction with Forest Road #538 then continuing southerly and easterly to the junction with Forest Road #538A including all NFS lands 500 feet west and south of Forest Road #538 the continuing east along Forest Road #538A to the junction with Forest Road #538 including all NFS Lands 500 feet west of Road #538A then along Forest Road #538 to the junction with Forest Road #533 including Forest Road #538 and all NFS Lands 500 feet to the south of Forest Road #533, then along Forest Road #500 to the Forest Boundary in Township 14 south Range 21 east Section 13, including all NFS Lands 500 feet south of Forest Road #500, then northerly and westerly along the National Forest Boundary to the point of origin.  Including the following developed sites/campgrounds; Schipper, Harrington Fork, Steer Basin, Third Fork, Lower Penstemon, Upper Penstemon, Pettit, Diamondfield Jack, Porcupine Springs, FS Flats, Father and Sons, and Bostetter.

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