Get Your Gear on for Spring Salmon Fishing
TWIN FALLS, Idaho (KLIX) – If you like to fish for salmon, get your gear on. The state’s spring Chinook seasons and rules were approved recently by the Idaho Department of Fish and Game Commission.
Commissioners approved the seasons and rules for the Clearwater, Snake, Salmon and Little Salmon rivers during its regular March meeting in Boise.
According to Fish and Game:
Fishing will open April 22, with a four-day-a-week season on the Clearwater River, and daily fishing on the Snake, lower Salmon and Little Salmon rivers. Once open, the seasons will continue as set until further notice. The season typically ends when the sport anglers' share of the run is caught, which varies by river.
The Clearwater River drainage is open Thursday through Sunday, while the Salmon River drainage and Snake River are open seven days a week.
Bag limits for the Clearwater River, North Fork, Middle Fork and South Fork of the Clearwater rivers are four chinook per day, according to the season's rules. Only one may be an adult (24 inches or longer) and 12 in possession of which only three may be adults.
Limits for the Snake River, lower Salmon River and Little Salmon River are four chinook of which two may be adults, and 12 in possession of which six may be adults.
Only hatchery chinook with a clipped adipose fin may be kept by anglers, and all others must be released unharmed. Chinook anglers are also restricted to barbless hooks.
The Fish and Game Commission is scheduled to decide on summer chinook salmon fisheries on the Lochsa River, South Fork Salmon River and upper Salmon River at its May meeting. Fish return to those areas later than to the Clearwater River and Rapid River hatcheries, allowing fishery managers more time to develop season proposals.