Idaho Teachers Are Using Common Core As A Crutch (Opinion)
I’m not sure we can say all Idaho teachers want to keep Common Core. Some teachers want to keep Common Core is a better headline. Idaho Education News attended the state’s first hearing on the program. It took place in Nampa (Twin Falls is next on the Department of Education’s agenda). You get an impression from the story filed by the EdNews reporter the small sampling of teachers in attendance represents all of Idaho.
I grant I’ve not asked personally any Idaho teachers their opinion. A few have offered their views to me and those few aren’t fans of what’s known as Idaho Core. The handful of teachers I’ve gotten feedback from out of state (my sister included), don’t like the idea, although. Those states may more rigidly adhere to the standards.
The money and the latest fads known as programs are simply an excuse for a lack of parenting. Take the screens away.
Here’s the thing, and I’ll paraphrase the Idaho Freedom Foundation with a question. Has student proficiency improved after almost a decade?
I was in grade school when something commonly called the New Math was introduced. I’m not really sure it was new. 2+2 still equaled 4 and most of us managed just fine. My buddies had to count their toes and still found successful careers!
What has changed over 50 years is students have a lot more screen time. My family’s TV set was a small black and white unit. There were 3 stations and when boring soap operas were on we were playing outside. Now kids have multiple screens and thousands and thousands of choices acting as distractions. It’s not the fault of teachers but I believe some use Common Core as a crutch. Because they can argue if we just give them more money the program will work. The nation’s schools have always wanted more money. The money and the latest fads known as programs are simply an excuse for a lack of parenting. Take the screens away. See scores and proficiency soar!