Everybody seems to have some sort of road rage. It may be something small like being annoyed by someone leaving their blinker on or being cut off, or it may be that you naturally drive angry all the time. Unless drivers are driving exactly the way we do and prefer for them to, odds are you will end up irritated one way or another. There is one rule of the road that the residents of Idaho seem to be particularly bad at in the Magic Valley, and it could cost other drivers their lives if people don't fix it soon.

Driving with the Brights on in Idaho

Credit: Marcus Bellamy on Unsplash
Credit: Marcus Bellamy on Unsplash

With the Magic Valley being mostly highway and backroads, it isn't uncommon to find yourself on a dark road with little to no lights on it at night. With the amount of wildlife in the area and with how dark it can get in some places, driving with your brights on is best for your safety, but when cars are coming from the other direction, leaving your brights on can become dangerous. Far too often, drivers in the Magic Valley fail to turn the brights off when cars are approaching going the opposite way, and it can lead to accidents and potentially fatal ones at that. The flick of a switch to turn the beams down is all it takes, and after the car passes, you can flick the bright beams back on, but many drivers are failing to do so.

Driving with Brights on in Idaho Can Kill Other Drivers

Credit: wellesenterprises
Credit: wellesenterprises

While it may not seem like a big deal to many, bright lights can often blind drivers and make them swerve. Many drivers have issues seeing at night and it can make it tougher for them to drive and startle them as well. If you are approaching a driver with their brights on, it may seem natural to flash yours at them to notify them, but according to Twin Falls officers, that is the worst thing you can do. By flashing your brights, you risk blinding or startling the other driver and putting both of you at higher risk of an accident. The best thing to do if you can't see is to slow down and pull closer to the shoulder and wait for them to pass until you can adjust your eyes. It may be inconvenient but it will keep you safe. 

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As the days are shorter and it gets darker earlier than other times of the year, make sure to be cautious and courteous at night when driving. If you need your brights to see, that is ok, but make sure to turn them off when cars are coming from the other direction, and turn them back on once traffic is clear. Be smart, be safe, and work together to make sure everyone can see and make it home safe at night. 

10 Commandments Of Winter In idaho

When winter rolls through Idaho there are a new set of rules that we need to abide by to prove that we are indeed good people.

Gallery Credit: Credit Unsplash

What Kind Of Winter Driver Are You In Southern Idaho

There are 6 types of winter drivers in Southern Idaho.

Gallery Credit: Credit Unsplash

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