My Department Store Christmas Tree Makeover
This year is the years I needed a Christmas tree redo. I found a beautiful flocked tree at Lowe's and off I went. I admit I'm one of those matchy match kind of girls so this tree had to be perfect.
My Sister pointed out that I purchased a flocked tree which "Doesn't match anything in your house" and that is the kick in the perfectionist ass I needed. My home has dark cherry wood and I have a African safari theme going on. So why not a Leopard Diva theme I thought... so off to Hobby Lobby, Michael's,TJ Maxx, Pier One,Target,Walmart I went. To be honest I pretty much found everything I needed at Hobby Lobby but I was on a mission so I actually went to all of the other stores just because. I spent $300, $150 for the Tree and about $150 on ornaments.
So here's the result: