New College of Southern Idaho President Takes the Helm
TWIN FALLS, Idaho (KLIX)-As students, faculty and community members begin to return to the College of Southern Idaho (CSI) campus they might see a new face, the fifth president of the college.
President L. Dean Fisher took his new post on June 1, at CSI after President Jeff Fox retired at the end of the semester. Fisher was welcomed by CSI staff and faculty and shared his goals at his first Cabinet meeting on June 8, which is to increase student enrollment and provide excellent customer service to those students. President Fisher begins at a challenging time as the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic forced the closure of the campus and moved classes online.
According to CSI, Dr. Fisher comes to southern Idaho by way of New York with a long resume, "Before arriving at CSI, Fisher served as the Provost for SUNY Corning Community College in New York. Prior to his work at SUNY Corning Community College, Fisher served as Chief of Staff and Senior Policy Advisor for a member of Congress where he provided oversight for the Congressman’s Oklahoma district operations and Washington, DC staff. Fisher also worked at Rose State College in Oklahoma City where he served a variety of roles from faculty member to Vice President for Student Affairs. He has regularly taught undergraduate and graduate courses in history, humanities, leadership and student development."
President Fisher is no stranger to Idaho after spending time during his childhood in the area.