Parents Who Don’t Vaccinate Kids Are Jerks
A listener gave me grief last week when I criticized parents who skip vaccines for their kids. At no point on-air did I say moms and dads should be ordered around by government.
How about tossing babies on pyres as a sacrifice to a god?
Just because I think they're jerks isn't a call for government intervention, however.
If your kid starts spreading the disease through playmates and school you should remember the story of Mary Mallon. She was known by the public as Typhoid Mary. She spread the disease and infected hundreds and four died. She spent the last two decades of her life in solitary care.
As for religious exemptions, how about those people who mutilate the sex organs of little girls in the name of Allah? Are you jerks O.K. with genital mutilation? How about tossing babies on pyres as a sacrifice to a god?
You see, we already have cultural and legal rules applying to similar arguments.
What you're doing amounts to child abuse. Or you could even be party to manslaughter. Many of the same jerks claim to be pro-life. Just when do you plan to be consistent?