Some Stores Now Backing off Mask Mandates
Maybe you won’t be keelhauled after all for not wearing a mask. I caught this update from Glenn Beck’s website the Blaze. Some large retailers and grocers are now backing away from mandatory facemasks for shoppers. This after some people did more than simply object. In other words, it could be safer to allow the refusers into your store.
Last week a caller told me he spoke with some of the staff at a Walmart in Cassia County. They explained they weren’t going to chase him around the store if he didn’t wear a mask. The policy had already been in effect for a couple of days at the company’s stores nationwide.
If and when a vaccine is developed, will you be barred from buying food if you don’t have proof you got the needle?
Some other big box outlets are also officially holding to the policy but being flexible.
On Saturday morning I saw this in action at a grocery store. The policy was in effect when the doors opened that day. Mostly, I witnessed compliance but a few customers may have simply forgotten a mask and didn’t see the signs. No one harangued them. On Sunday at the same store I saw a cashier taking down one large billboard announcing the new requirement.
You need to remember stores can make these decisions. Unlike government, private business can make choices on who gets to shop (unless it involves some civil rights laws from the 1960s, the so-called accommodations laws), however.
I did see a video over the weekend from the Idaho State Coordinator for the John Birch Society. He acknowledges businesses can make the choice but he fears something worse. If and when a vaccine is developed, will you be barred from buying food if you don’t have proof you got the needle?