Some Things That Could Cost You a Ticket During an Idaho Winter
I’m not a scold on these matters.
There have been days when I’ve been in a hurry and simply brushed off the front windshield and turned on the rear defroster. Though, not in a very long time and not yet this winter.
We Need Some Social Pressure
Warren Buffett tells young people they’ll do well if they associate with people “better” than they are. In other words, if you’ve got bad habits, stay away from enablers. Over the last seven years, I’ve had regular on-air guests every week from Idaho State Police and the Twin Falls County Sheriff’s Office. They appeal to my better nature. They urge people to brush the snow from the roof, trunk, and hood. It encourages me to do the same and especially because I would now be embarrassed if I got stopped by one of them with a foot of snow on the car roof.
Hazards for Other Drivers
I passed a car this week with a pile of snow on the roof and a crumpled trunk. Is there a correlation between the two? You could argue someone isn’t being careful about a lot of things. I’ve also seen cars with much deeper snow on the top. You could wait for it to blow off but after the rain and then overnight cold it becomes a hard mass stuck to the paint.
Then if and when it blows off it’s a hazard for anyone driving behind you.
I don’t have time to talk about a similar story today, but a guy wrote me Thursday morning and explained a neighbor is plowing driveway snow into the street. The writer knows that it’s wrong but isn’t sure who he should contact. Any answers?