Your future is being determined by a handful of men and women in Sun Valley.  It’s the tech and entertainment version of Bohemian Grove or Bilderberg.  Globalists come to Sun Valley and plot, like Dr. Evil, how they’ll control the planet and beyond. 

visitors to a popular pizza shop in Ketchum would’ve encountered Mark Zuckerberg and Chris Christie dining over a pie

One year, visitors to a popular pizza shop in Ketchum would’ve encountered Mark Zuckerberg and Chris Christie dining over a pie.  These impromptu meetings aren’t quite as common now.  Organizers have worked to keep a tighter grip on the schedule.

My hometown used to host an annual meeting where cheese producers used to set prices.  It happened long before I was born and the sessions were the actions of a cartel.  With a product like cheese, cartels aren’t very strong.  Good years among dairymen and women mean abundance and price fixing doesn’t last long.

The Sun Valley gatherings are of a different nature.  You won’t find people setting prices for movie tickets.  This crowd looks to predict the future.  It’s strategic planning to stay atop changing trends.  And I suppose there are discussions on how to best silence conservative voices across social media and in Hollywood.

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