Mike Crapo is rescinding an endorsement of Donald Trump because the candidate for President tells dirty jokes. Do you know how many people have been killed by hearing one of these jokes? None. Any idea of how many Americans are killed by drunk drivers...
A great many people working in news media are likely aware they aren’t the most popular people on the streets. Sometimes it’s because they’ve had to report bad news but I think a culture has also developed in media where reporters and editors believe they’re members of the intelligentsia...
I don’t think it’s racist to state the northern hemisphere is being overrun by immigrants. Both legal and illegal. I’ve been reading books and columns by former Presidential candidate Pat Buchanan for many years and he has been predicting the demographic shift...
I’ve seen polls in recent years which show a slight and growing majority of Americans are opposed to abortion. It doesn’t mean all of those opposed consider it infanticide but in recent weeks I’m sure the number of people who believe we’re witnessing a crime against humanity and against God has certainly grown...