In my other life, I’ve been writing a newspaper column for the Magic Valley Times-News. This week my piece coincided with Election Day, albeit. I wrote it last week.
Donald Trump warns of a crime epidemic. Some in media insist it isn’t enough to fret about (unless you’re the victim, I suppose). The Washington Examiner, an alternative source, reports crime is indeed at epidemic levels in major cities...
As the Muslim refugee crime count grows in Twin Falls, as I predicted it would, the political class is starting to exercise their vocal cords. U.S. Senator Mike Crapo is the latest to make it clear he wants a refugee pause (Mostly my position as well)...
A correction and clarification on my part. A headline on a video from Monday’s edition of Top Story gave the impression the Magic Valley Times News was busing in backers of the local refugee center from out-of-town. One, the paper’s management would likely be the first to say they wouldn’t be allowed to budget for such an excess and, two, have no desire to stage manage an event planned for sever
I don’t think it’s racist to state the northern hemisphere is being overrun by immigrants. Both legal and illegal. I’ve been reading books and columns by former Presidential candidate Pat Buchanan for many years and he has been predicting the demographic shift...