How Much of Idaho Would be Fried by Russian Nuclear MissilesHow Much of Idaho Would be Fried by Russian Nuclear MissilesHeat, wind and death on the horizon. Bill ColleyBill Colley
Idaho Had the Premier Shelter in Event of Nuclear WarIdaho Had the Premier Shelter in Event of Nuclear WarMammoth Cave was considered an ideal shelter from fallout.Bill ColleyBill Colley
Here’s Where Nuclear Bombs Would Strike IdahoHere’s Where Nuclear Bombs Would Strike IdahoThere are no winners.Bill ColleyBill Colley
The Advantage of Living in Idaho After a Nuclear WarThe Advantage of Living in Idaho After a Nuclear WarRitter Island would be another option. Bill ColleyBill Colley
What Can Idaho Expect After War With Russia!What Can Idaho Expect After War With Russia!Russia has an estimated stockpile of just under 7,000 nukes.Bill ColleyBill Colley
Nuclear Missile Silos Ring IdahoNuclear Missile Silos Ring IdahoAnd I think of the young children.Bill ColleyBill Colley
7 Ways to Prepare in Idaho if World War 3 Breaks Out7 Ways to Prepare in Idaho if World War 3 Breaks OutWhile there may be no possible way to see when an attack would come or if the people of Idaho would be hit, it's always best to prepare and think ahead just in case.JeffJeff
What World War Three Could Look Like in Idaho!!!What World War Three Could Look Like in Idaho!!!Many would never be buried. Bill ColleyBill Colley
A Korean War Impact on Idaho?A Korean War Impact on Idaho? Even a brief conflict could scuttle trade for weeks to months and maybe even beyond. Bill ColleyBill Colley