This is why I’ve got no respect for the blowhards who call shows like mine and repeat the calumnies against McCain’s war service because they somehow believe the ends justify the means.
You wouldn’t think Democrats on Capitol Hill in Washington could find Idaho on a map but they’re demanding the federal government administer a paddling
Just over 3 weeks to the potential of Hurricane Hillary is unleashed on the United States. Clinton promises to erase borders and to give voters everything for free. Impossible? Of course but in politics the promise takes a backseat to the power...
When Bill Clinton criticizes Obamacare he isn’t calling for a return to a market based solution. The conniving Clinton’s do nothing by accident. He and his devious wife have been salivating over the prospect of socialized medicine for decades...
The fine line between genius and insanity. Someone used that line with me the other day. Every time I hear it repeated it makes me wonder what the source is. I suspect the first time I ever heard it was 40 years ago when I was in school...
There’s a wheezing old coot serving in one of Utah’s two U.S. Senate seats. Onan Hatch, excuse me, Orrin Hatch long ago outlived his usefulness as a legislator. I remember Onan had a towering reputation in the broadcast TV industry twenty years ago...
I’m not too worried about today’s Obamacare ruling. Like most large government programs in an age of debt and national economic decline it’s going to collapse. Of course the larger implosion will swamp many smaller boats but, hey, it’s what voters wanted, right...