Baby Boomers Need to Stop Whining (Opinion)
The oldest baby-boomers are in their early 70s and many are still self-absorbed.
If you lived in a dysfunctional home in 1955 was your life worse, the same or better than a dysfunctional home in 1655?
Monday, I pointed this out on Top Story when I said boomers are trying to live forever and are therefore obsessed with government healthcare. Apparently, suggesting they were the most comfortable generation in world history angered some of them. I received emails and telephone messages from people telling me how difficult their lives were.
Here’s a question. If you lived in a dysfunctional home in 1955, was your life worse, the same or better than a dysfunctional home in 1655? Obviously, we don’t know because we weren’t alive at the time, but considering average lifespans and household gadgets before 1900…
Does the whining from my offended peers bolster my point?
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