
Voter Recall Albion Mayor
Voter Recall Albion Mayor
Voter Recall Albion Mayor
On Wednesday morning, Albion resident, James Burrows changed his election signs in front of his house after campaigning to recall the city's mayor. "We thought we had 91 votes to get her recalled, but then found out that as longs as we had over 50 percent, then we got it," said Burrows.
Filer Recall Effort Fails to Gain Enough Signatures
Filer Recall Effort Fails to Gain Enough Signatures
Filer Recall Effort Fails to Gain Enough Signatures
A petition to put a recall ballot measure for Filer's mayor and city council on November's ballot has fallen short. The Twin Falls County Clerk's Office sent the petitions back just short of 196 signatures, which is the threshold needed to get the measure on the ballot.

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