The Spirit of Halloween is back in Twin Falls, but when can residents expect to start shopping and getting ready for the spooky holiday that is two months away?
One business in Twin Falls is changing locations, and it has people fighting since the move happened. What store moved, where did it go, and why are people fighting?
Last week, a story was written about Craftsman in Twin Falls, and the store currently sits empty, but what should fill it, and what will fill it in the future?
If you haven't had the chance to visit Roller Coaster Fireworks in Battle Mountain, it's worth getting off the highway for. The Fourth of July is less than three months away after all.
Spirit stores should flip their focus from Halloween to Christmas Sweaters beginning in November, and even add tacky sweaters that aren't Christmas related.
Visit Southern Idaho has set up a shop at 150 Main Street, and sells artwork, jewelry, accessories, home decor, and other products made and designed by talented Idahoans.
Over the weekend local residences took advantage of a new clothing boutique in downtown Twin Falls. The boutique, Fashion 15 Below, was opened by Erin Rigel. You may know Erin from The Little Black Fashion truck.
We have all had plans to go to a store with the idea of buying one or two things and coming out with bags and bags of things. This happens to the best of us.
We love it when new stores open in Twin Falls. Having retail options is good for everyone.
New stores continue to open at the Canyon Park West shopping center. Those stores recently include Ulta and Petco.
Construction seems to be going on everywhere in Twin Falls. I am ecstatic about the growth, and am really happy about the latest business that was announced. On June 1st construction for the new Cash & Carry Food Service building began at 1777 Canyon Crest Drive in Twin Falls.
If you are on a specific diet you may struggle with finding food options in Twin Falls. Because of this a group of citizens have started campaigning for a 'Trader Joe's.'
The Times News is reporting today that possible efforts to find new locations for two thrift stores in downtown Twin Falls aren’t making much headway.