It’s still about the green.  Money.  Profit.  The National Football League has been a license to print money.  Many of its recent decisions are made with the belief the league is chasing new revenue sources.

The pressure that brought about the dropping of the name Redskins from the league’s Washington franchise was clearly based on marketing.  Which is why the name lasted for so long.  The NFL believed it could previously weather the storm over the name. 

I asked how his late father reacted to the Redskins name.  “He was a season ticket holder for 42 years,” was the answer.

But you can still go online and buy Redskins gear.  What, you didn’t think the league was going to torch it in a bonfire?  The league is going to squeeze every dime out of the old logo.  Which is how I was able to order a hoodie and a hat.  Not because I’m a fan of the team.  I did it for posterity.  As a collectible!

The name won’t ever return.  Even if the Age of Political Correctness comes to a welcome end.  Which is a shame, because I keep reading comments like the ones at this link.  The name was exceedingly popular among indigenous peoples.  One called my show Wednesday morning.  He also said there are far bigger worries inside his tribe.

I’m reminded of a call I took several years ago from a man.  His dad belonged to an eastern tribe.  I asked how his late father reacted to the Redskins name.  “He was a season ticket holder for 42 years,” was the answer.

The bigger issue here is there is a full-court press on re-making American culture.  And the process has greatly accelerated.  I would think level headed people everywhere would pause and ask if there’s anything worse saving before throwing every last item away.

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