The Return of a Twin Falls Christmas Tradition
Don Newman and Nancy Howell take decorating seriously. A Twin Falls tradition returns Thanksgiving Night and runs through Christmas. I take Grandview Drive as a shortcut through the city. It’s not nearly as busy as Blue Lakes Boulevard and Washington Street until this time of year. It’s because people flock to see the display at 925 Wirsching Avenue, which is at the corner of Grandview Drive.
Every time I drive by the place I marvel at the effort and also feel like a kid again.
On Saturdays between the holidays, cookies and hot chocolate are served and the decorators ask visitors for donations. You may also find Santa Claus paying a visit. This year, there will be hand sanitizer and other precautions for visitors.
The donations help charitable causes. In the past these have been Santa’s Cause and Idaho Angels. This year it’s primarily Santa’s Cause.
Every time I drive by the place I marvel at the effort and also feel like a kid again. When I was a boy, my folks would take us out on a cold winter evening and drive us around town looking at the lights and decorations. It was a wonderland. Fewer people seem to decorate 50 years later. Those who keep up the tradition make up for the rest of us and I can’t thank them enough for the joy it brings.
As you know, our four Townsquare radio stations are sponsoring a contest for the best display in our community. Don and Nancy would definitely get a goodly share of votes. By the way, if you do drop in some upcoming Saturday, say thank you and bring a camera. One with a wide angle lens!