This Idaho School Remains Redskins For Now
Political correctness may have met its match in Idaho. The school board in Teton Valley punted on removing the name Redskins from sports teams. After a very long public hearing the board postponed a decision until at least next week and may not even call a vote.
Instead, the issue could be turned over to the public. A district wide referendum could determine the Redskins future.
A district wide referendum could determine the Redskins future.
The name has been under assault for decades at schools across the country and in the National Football League. In Teton Valley it has been the name of the ball clubs for 90 years.
A parent in the school district tells me polling is overwhelmingly in favor of keeping the name. A public vote could save board members from risking their future political careers.
Any decision this summer could impact logos, uniforms and signage, which is why a public referendum at a later date may be acceptable to voters on both sides of the controversy.
You can hear a conversation with a parent below: