Twin Falls Student Suspended After Turning Himself in for Having a Knife
TWIN FALLS, Idaho (KMVT/KSVT) When students are in school and they see something, they are told to say something. But, what if the right thing to do in turn gets you in trouble? That’s the reality for one Twin Falls family.
“Fourth period was PE so I went into the locker room and I grabbed my shorts out of my bag and that’s when I saw the knife,” Joseph McDrummond said.
"Our policy is a no weapons policy. So weapons cannot come into school at all,” Twin Falls School District Public Information Officer Eva Craner said.
Knowing the policy he brought the backpack with the knife inside directly to his gym teacher.
“I was sitting in the office and then I talked to the associate principal and he said because of the length of the knife, I was getting suspended and waiting for an expulsion hearing,” Joseph said.
His father wanted the truth from his son. Like any parent he was willing to fight for his sons rights, but only if his son was being honest and wasn’t intentionally breaking the law.
"So I asked him. I said hey what were you thinking why did you have the knife with you. He said dad I didn't know it was in there,” Joseph’s father Stacy McDrummond said.
“We know mistakes happen, so if a student realizes they made a mistake it’s best to immediately go to their teacher, the office, go to the S.R.O. and make sure they’re aware,” Eva said.
Regardless of doing the right thing, disciplinary action had to be taken even if it felt like a catch 22.
“The policy is based on law and the law is very strict. It is absolutely not it doesn’t matter the circumstances that student shall be expelled,” Eva said.
Expulsion usually is regarded as being kicked out of school and never allowed back in. But in this case once the School Board hearing commences a length of expulsion is determined which can range from anywhere to one day, to months, to a year or being asked to never return.
“I’m behind the rules, 100% I get it, and I agree with them,” Stacey said. Safety of students should never be overlooked.
“Of course the time that the student shall be expelled depends on the circumstances. That’s where we do have a little bit of a leeway. But other than that it is zero tolerance,” Eva said.
What lessons can be taught from Joseph’s mishap though and is there any change possible in the future?
“It was an accident. If it wasn’t an accident then I get it totally. But you can’t have a kid do something right and then turn around and they’re in trouble for it,” Stacy said.
“It’s very serious. Bringing a weapon to school. Even without having bad intentions is against the rules, and it’s against the law,” Eva said.
The McDrummond family received a letter from the school in the mail stating that Joseph is to remain at home until his hearing which is slated for either the 23rd or 26th of October. Until then he will have to pick up his school work and do it from home. If after the hearing his expulsion is for an extended amount of time the family will have to look into alternative schooling such as an online program.
The district's complete weapons policy can be found on their website and clips from it pertaining to this case are included with this article.
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